Matthew 26:36-45
Mark 14:32-42
Luke 22:39-46
Matthew 26: 38-39
Then He said to them "my soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death, stay here and keep watch with me. 39 b, " my father if it is possible that this cup is taken from me, yet not as I will but as you will" Our Lord Jesus Christ was about to face death at Golgotha but before then He needed time to pray and went away with His closest "Associate Pastors". He needed pillars He could lean on at the most critical hour because He knew what He was about to face. Death on the cross was and still is a terrible death experience.
In his agonizing moment, He asks the Father, if possible He should remove the cup but He still Held on to the will of the Father, not His. I have always thought if Christ changed His mind at Gethsemane what would have happened? It would have meant no redemption for mankind, no victory over sin and death, no reconciliation back with God. The cross was a culmination of victory at the garden of Gethsemane. Gethsemane represents the point of making the most crucial decisions and yielding our will to God and Him alone. Gethsemane is when its no longer about me but about doing the will of the Father totally. It could be a matter of life and death. At Gethsemane, our most trusted friends may not be strong enough to give us the support we need and we may need to make those three trips alone to that place where only you and the Father have a conversion.
Gethsemane is the place of inner victory before its manifested in physical. Gethsemane is that point where we can only give up our will so that the perfect will of God is manifested in our lives and God can use us for His kingdom. Gethsemane is not a popular point, its a place where we groan to give up self so that Christ is fully formed in us.
Beloved when we get to our Gethsemane when our trusted friends cannot remain strong when we have to make three trips alone when our souls are overwhelmed then let's remember that we need to surrender our willfully to God because therein lies our victory and strength to face our cross. May you always be strong at Gethsemane.