So many Christians want a formula for their finances, "I sowed this seed, so I am expecting a 100-fold return." "I gave 10% and God should open the windows of heaven." Formulas don't work for any other part of the Kingdom. Relationship does. Co-laboring.
Here's proof: how many people do you know that are seeing a consistent 100-fold return on their giving? How many tithers are in debt with little savings?
Presence over principles. Principles without the Prince isn't Kingdom. It's more like witchcraft.
Only when our hands are open to release finances can they receive what God wants to give. It is hard to receive with a tight fist and a closed hand. It's hard to do anything with a closed fist--eat, type, play the piano--these are all things we can do when our hands are open. Everything else in life becomes easy when our hands are open.
Don't hold tightly to money and possessions. Manage them wisely while they are under your care, but don't hold on. Money is the kindergarten of the spiritual life. It starts a flow of God to you, in you and through you. If God can get money through you, He'll get money to you...and there will be plenty left over for you.God will take better care of you on accident than you ever could take care of yourself. (Journal entry, 6-22-14)