Daughters of Impact

About Us

About Us

About Us

Daughters of Impact (DOI) is the Ladies ministry at Deliverance Church International Kasarani. DOI was launched on 28th February 2015 after the ladies' ministry leadership realized that there was a need to reach out and meet the needs that arose from the larger ladies congregation and a desire to impact at the same time.

We were looking for ways of having our ladies ministry becoming more inclusive (i.e. we wanted to include our youth ladies and teenagers) after we realized that the youths and the teenagers felt out of place during our ladies group meetings, causing most of them not to attend. With the launch of Daughters Of Impact (DOI) platform, the younger ladies started identifying with the activities and events that we rolled out and as time went by they started joining and being more engaged bringing with them fresh ideas, and a much-needed diversity that has led to efficient and effective planning and execution of our meetings.

Our patron is Pastor Alice Kimani assisted by the ladies in the G12, who are currently five in number.

Our mission is "to empower ladies to extend the transforming presence of Jesus Christ to their communities". (2 Tim 2:2)

To change the world.
We believe that this can happen when we change the communities we live in by empowering our ladies and women

Frequently Asked Questions

DOI is not a Deliverance Church Kasarani - Zimmerman member's only forum. We are open to ladies from other churches and from the community at large.

Daughters of Impact holds meetings every fourth Saturday of the month, apart from the month of March, June and November where the meetings take place on the third Sunday of the month. All our meetings take place at Deliverance Church International Kasarani Cathedral from 2 pm to 5 pm.

Daughters of Impact (DOI) is the Ladies ministry at Deliverance Church International Kasarani. DOI was launched on 28th February 2015 after the ladies' ministry leadership realized ...

Get in Touch

Zimmerman Estate, off Kamiti Road

Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

+254 720 648096
+254 733 909780
